Why register with us?

  • Give your friends & family an option to support earth-friendly practices and American workers
  • Support the American small businesses that will help build the American economy for your baby's future
  • It's free!
  • Specify shipping addresses for before and after your event
  • Choose to make your registry searchable by name or password-protected
  • Keep track of items purchased to avoid duplicates

What can I register for?

Anything on our site! Babies need less than you think, and we have many of the basic essentials and little luxuries -- mostly organic, and all Made in the USA.

How do I get started?

Ready to create your own organic baby shower registry? Click here to get started. If you don't already have an account with us, you will be prompted to create one. You will then be able to create your registry and enter all the details for your event, including where to ship gifts before and after the event, and whether you'd like anyone to be able to access your registry by searching by name, or whether you want it password protected. Then, when you find the first item you'd like to add to your registry, click on "Add to registry." If you come back on another day to add more items, make sure you're logged in. You must be logged in to your account in order to add items to your registry.

A registry will keep track of what has been purchased for your event, and is searchable by the general public (so that friends and family can find your registry). If you simply want to create a private wishlist (shareable with anyone who you give your wishlist link to), see "Wishlists" below.