Do you publish a blog, content website, or other site whose readers would be interested in our products? Become an affiliate and earn 8% of sales for each order that you refer to our site. Our affiliate program is free to join through Shareasale.

Here's how it works:

1. Sign up here.

2. Choose from our selection of banners, logos, or text links, and display on your website. We are happy to provide custom sizes and other custom requests to help you succeed.

3. If a reader clicks through to our site from one of your links, and makes a purchase within 30 days, you will automatically be credited with a 8% commission.

4. Link and commission tracking are done through Shareasale, a leading program in the affiliate industry, so you can be confident your commissions will be properly credited.

Questions? Contact us here. We reserve the right to decline any website that we feel is inappropriate for an affiliate relationship with our site, for any reason.

Sign up now!